Spring Season

Looking to Register for the Spring Season - Click here

 Our spring program runs from mid-April to early June. Games are small sided, and most are played on the turf field at the Complex. Since our goal for the spring season is to have children just get out there and play, there are no standings kept during this season.  We also place a strong emphasis on individual player development and instruction during this season, supporting our volunteer coaches with professional trainings. Players born in 2020 and 2021 can take part in our Kiddie Kickers program while players born in 2011 through 2019 are able to participate in this season.  

Children are grouped for our recreational soccer programs by their year of birth. These groupings are held to without exception; we do not allow children to “play up” or “play down.” We understand that different sports and school districts all group children in a manner that makes sense to them. We do the same. Noted below are the divisions that are attached to each year of birth. 

Looking for more details?  See Below

How much does this season Cost?

The fee for Spring Season is $250 for each player. Registration is done via the OMM homepage of the website; regular registration closes on January 31st. Players registering after this date will be waitlisted and if space allows, they will be able to register late.  After registering you MUST order your uniform at Soccer.com 

What are the dates of the Spring season?

Our spring season starts on April 26th and ends on June 15th.  We will not have any games played on Memorial Day weekend.

What is the refund Policy?

Player refunds will be given according to the guidelines below. The amount refunded decreases as time goes on with the understanding that although the season may not have yet started, costs have been incurred for the registrant. In addition to the general operating costs that are divided among all registrants (training for coaches and referees, field and office costs, and so on), direct costs incurred for the player include registration fees paid to the both the registration company and credit card fees for the registration transaction, player insurance, and uniform costs (uniforms are ordered for each player right after they register). Additionally, a hardship is faced by the team losing a player since as time goes on, the chances of replacing the player or having a replacement player be up to speed with the rest of the team greatly diminish. Teams are created using a player rating draft- the loss of a registered and drafted player throws off the draft process and may result in teams being unbalanced. Player refunds will be given according to the guidelines that follow:

• Any player withdrawing from the current OMM season before March 1st will receive a full refund.  After March 1st it is reduced to 50%.

• There are no refunds after April 1st unless it is for a medical drop- prior to the season starting- those drops may be eligible for a refund of 50% of the registration fee paid.

What are the Age groups and days of play?